Alps Training Hub

Every year we provide training to over 2,000 teachers across individual schools, colleges, Multi-Academy Trusts, consortia and local authorities. Our webinars, CPD sessions and Champions Programme are designed to help you get the most out of Alps and will discuss strategies for driving student achievement and improving outcomes for learners.


From product demos to education insights, our free-to-attend webinars are an easy and accessible way to find out more about Alps and keep up to date with latest best practice.


Our CPD sessions deliver targeted, comprehensive training on Alps Connect and Summit, steeped in successful strategies for improving learner outcomes.


Available to Alps schools through Connect, the Champions Programme is designed to help you drive the Alps culture across your school. Log into Connect to access at any time.
“It provides clear and user-friendly analysis with different levels of information for different groups – senior leaders, middle leaders, teachers and governors”

Angela Doherty, Quality and Partnerships Lead 11-19

Meet the Education Team

All Alps trainers are current or former senior teachers or leaders from high performing schools and colleges. They are steeped in the Alps ethos of a student-centred approach and have extensive experience of the systems needed to ensure exceptional results.

Jevon Hirst - Training Director

Jevon Hirst


Jevon has over 20 years’ experience working in education. Prior to joining Alps in 2020, Jevon has worked in a number of senior leadership roles within schools with responsibilities for teaching and learning, curriculum, strategic planning, self-evaluation and student achievement. Central to these roles has been the intelligent use of data to inform school improvement and maximise outcomes for students.

Sue Macgregor - Director of Education and Product Development
Sue Macgregor - Director of Education and Product Development
John Philip - Senior Educational Consultant
Karen Woolven - Senior Educational Consultant
Ian Piddington - Educational Consultant
Steve Reed - Educational Consultant

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