A Game of 2 Halves – are you making the most of your Connect Interactive Subscription?

19th November 2019

For teachers using Connect Interactive there are 4 key aspects in Connect Data that require leadership from the Post 16 Team to help drive up the productive use of the system.

Personalised Targets – These fine tune the Alps MEGs at a subject level

Custom Filters – These allow teachers to analysis key groups of students that are important to your school/college context

Fine Grades – Allow the ability to indicate a high or low monitoring grade

MPZ – The gradepoint which allows a clear starting point for the final year of your courses

All the above can be set up in Connect Data to enhance the experience of your Connect Interactive users.


1. Personalised Targets

Alps believe that the National Data can only provide a starting point, that your students are individuals and that teachers should set the Personalised Targets based on the student’s flair in their subject. The Minimum Expected Grades (MEGs) are as they infer, a minimum grade. Teachers should be challenging students to beat these MEGs, personalising the subject target grades to an aspirational level, safe in the knowledge that their subject performance will be based on their subject thermometer. Once Personalised Targets are entered in Connect Data, they will appear on the subject page and in the Students Analysis section.

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