A guide to subject review in Connect Interactive

18th July 2019

Your Alps analysis will be available instantly in Connect Interactive or as a PDF report following your data submission on Results Days this year. This means that you will be able to begin your subject reviews whenever you choose, and if all staff have access to Connect Interactive then analysis of outcomes can be more flexible than ever.

This short paper details how you might use your Alps analysis with staff to complete subject or course reviews. There is a short video on our website which you may find useful in showing how Connect Interactive can support in the review process.

Using the data to conduct your review

Connect Interactive quickly facilitates you in identifying questions to ask of your analysis.

  • How do your strategic indicators compare with last year/over a 4-year trend?
  • Are there any gaps in performance of the different groups of students in your subject?
  • How does the performance of each teaching set compare to the overall VA grade?
  • Were predictions in line with outcomes? By subject or by class?
  • Were intervention sessions targeting the appropriate students?
  • Encourage your staff to have looked at their subject page and used the ‘what-if’ prior to any review meeting.

Additional support can be found in our Knowledge Base accessible from your Connect homepage, where we have staff checklists containing more analytical questions to use when reviewing data.

Your Connect Interactive subject page will look like the example in Fig 1 and you can model ‘What If’ scenarios to identify the students who might have made a difference to your value-added outcomes.

Your subject value-added page on Connect Interactive

This section of your value-added page shows you a department improving over time to a red hot grade 2. The table will give you the overall value-added across up to 4 gradepoints – a monitoring input point or an examination year. You can mix and match these gradepoints to give you an overview of how accurate predictions have been in the lead up to the examination.

There is also a gap analysis to identify if any key groups of students are under-performing. You can add your teaching sets to Connect Interactive and see how their value-added grades compare.

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