Benchmark Update – England (KS5, New Minimum Expected Grades 2019-20)
New Minimum Expected Grades (MEGs) for 2019/20
The updated 2019-20 benchmarks for A, AS levels and BTEC Level 3 in England will be in Connect Interactive from Results Day. We have created the new benchmarks from the full national dataset supplied by the Department for Education. The purpose of this short briefing paper is to provide some headline information about the new Minimum Expected Grades that have been generated from the new benchmarks.
Headline changes: MEGs for 2019, End of Year and Monitoring 2019-20
The headline news for both A level and AS level is that where we have re-benchmarked, there is little change in the Expected Points for each prior attainment band, which has meant little or no
change in the Minimum Expected Grades (MEGs) for each band or relative band. This means that if you have been monitoring your current Year 13 across the Academic Year, you would expect to see a similar distribution of Alps grades across strategic and subject indicators.
Publication of full Benchmarks
We will publish full benchmark tables and subject thermometers in our updated 2019-20 Alps Guides, available in the Resources section on your Connect Homepage from August.
Need more information?
If you would like any further information, please contact one of our expert advisers.