Planning for the year ahead – Embedding an Alps culture

31st May 2019

The Summer Term presents us with an opportunity to take stock of the past year, reflecting and evaluating on where our systems and processes have been successful and where there
may need to be some improvements going into the next Academic cycle.

In terms of data, we will be preparing for Results Days in August, the resulting data analysis that comes from the publication of examination results, and the subsequent review cycles in September involving our teaching staff. Our attentions throughout June and early July will shift to the progress overview of our Year 10 and 12 students and ensuring that we have a good handle on the support that they will need when they return in September.

This paper presents an overview of the ways in which Alps can support you in setting up those quality assurance cycles focused on student progress, and in embedding an Alps culture in your schools and colleges. Embedding an Alps culture is driven by the leadership team, but is aimed at empowering subject leaders and subject teachers.The successful schools and colleges who use Alps

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