Alps Connect as an effective monitoring tool to improve attainment and retention in the sixth form.

13th November 2024

by Rob Jones, Director of Sixth Form at Llantwit Major School

As part of the school improvement plan at Llantwit Major School, we identified the need to improve sixth form outcomes and retention from Yr12 into 13. We had a sixth form of 135 pupils in the academic year 2023-24.

The Alps Connect project ran alongside a new mentoring programme designed by myself, the Director of Sixth Form, to maximise the impact of the da ta provided by Alps. Following the implementation of the plan, information gathered from school data drops each half term have revealed that:

  • There has been an increase in QI scores for Yr12 and Y13 from Alps grade 3 and Alps grade 4 respectively to QI Alps grade 2 for both year groups.
  • Structured mentoring has allowed pupils to have the required support from departments and HoY to get back on track.
  • Retention is in line to improve from an average over the past 5 years of 74% pupils continuing from Yr12 into Y13, to an expected 90% this year.

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