Using Alps throughout a MAT to aid school improvement

14th February 2023

By Melanie Calder, Head of Data and Impact at Anthem Schools Trust


Anthem Schools Trust consists of 11 primary schools and 5 secondary schools, 4 with post 16 provision. The schools are spread across the East Midlands, London and Thames Valley serving over 8,000 children and young people. When joining the Trust in September 2021 the initial focus was to promote consistency and accuracy of data. The use of Alps at both Key Stage 4 and 5 has been a vital tool in supporting this. Alps has empowered staff at all levels throughout the Trust, from Educational Director and Trustees to teaching and support staff, to use data to ensure focus is directed to the appropriate areas at a school, department, and pupil level.

Use of Alps by Trust Leaders

At a Trust level, Alps Summit allows us to identify trends at a whole school and subject level. Spotting the trends allows us to easily focus in on areas of the data to challenge, validate and to celebrate. Analysis of data produced in Summit is presented to Trustees and the Executive Team where the visual use of red, black and blues gives them a clear indication of subject areas in the school where there are successes along with knowing where resources will need to be focused. Anthem Trust has a strong school improvement team including subject leads for English, Maths, Science and Humanities. Alps Summit allows these colleagues to easily compare how their departments have progressed between data points in the 5 schools and where their attention needs to be focused. To help promote consistency and accuracy of data across Anthem, a common approach to Pre-Public Exams and moderation has been implemented. By triangulating the data in Alps with what the school improvement team sees on the ground they can spot anomalies. These anomalies are discussed and reflected with Heads of Department to ensure the data being used is validated.

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