Alps Summit – Available Now at KS5!
Introducing our new Alps Summit platform that enables MAT, Local Authority, and other Group leaders to strategically analyse and review performance across multiple schools in a simple, easy, and effective way.
The platform is available for examination outcome analysis to all group leaders at the KS5 level with KS4 coming very soon.
For Trusts, the additional in-year tracking data facility will ensure that strategic conversations around progress can take place throughout the Academic Year.
Leaders can use the analysis to challenge their schools to embrace good practice. Summit enables you to:
- Identify schools and subjects where impact on progress is strong
- Identify where practice is having less impact on progress
- Facilitate the communication of good practice, ensuring that it takes place and that there is a clear development plan
- Quality assure the impact of the intervention through the analysis of subsequent data sets
The platform supports analysis at the following levels:
- Subject value-added tracking for all A-level, BTEC Level 3 and Key Stage 4.
- Analysis across all Alps Strategic Indicators
- Analysis across all Alps prior attainment bands
- In addition, the platform allows bespoke gap analysis of performance groups within the Group
For more information on getting started with Alps Summit click here or book a demonstration with our Education team.