England KS4 – P8, AT8 measures and using CAT4 and Toggle to view DfE 2022 benchmarks
This article contains information on how to navigate to your overall school/college Attainment 8 and Progress 8 measures and how to find the equivalent student level metrics.
Overall metrics
You can access your Attainment 8 metrics by entering the KS4 Performance Measures section from the Connect Homepage. Hovering over the navigation flow on the attainment page will allow you to see your Progress 8 table.
Attainment 8 and headline metrics are shown with student performance groups as standard. For Progress 8 comparison values, use the dropdown menu to add the performance group. You can add a comparison group to the Progress 8 table. The standard comparisons are gender, ethnicity, EAL and SEND. We are in the process of adding high, mid and low prior attainment to this table.
Individual student P8
The student level headline measures and Progress 8 numbers can be found by navigating to the Student Analysis section from the Connect Homepage. From the overview page, again hover over the navigation flow to find the Attainment and Progress 8 metrics.
This table contains individual metrics for the overall P8, English, maths, EBacc and Open buckets. All tables can be exported to excel.
Important considerations – information below or watch video version HERE
- The attainment and Progress 8 metrics have been developed in line with DfE rules. If your metrics are to reflect the DfE published values, you should ensure that the following Connect Data imports match with DfE census data:
- your student import includes all eligible students with their prior attainment data from the Key to Success file
- your gradepoints (examination or internal monitoring points) contain all subjects eligible for the DfE performance metrics despite the fact that Alps may not have benchmarks/thermometers for these subjects
- each gradepoint must also contain any eligible examination results from previous examination seasons
- You may find some discrepancies between your P8 figures for 2018/19 and those published by the DfE. We would urge you to check through the points made above to match these two figures accurately. We do urge you to contact us if you have concerns at this stage on numerical differences.
2022 Progress 8
- AT8 estimate tables released by the DfE in February 2023 have now been integrated into Connect. Your Progress 8 data will be recalculated against this 2022 table for all gradepoints in 2021/22.
- This latest AT8 estimate table will be used within Connect to generate Progress 8 numbers for monitoring purposes across 2022/23.
To enable you to see your analysis within the context of our Alps 2022 client data-set benchmarks, there is the opportunity to toggle between the existing 2019 DfE national benchmark and the Alps client benchmark within Connect. More detail on the toggle can be found here https://alpseducation.zohodesk.eu/portal/en/kb/articles/switching-between-benchmarks-connect. We have now received the national data from the DfE and will proceed to generate a new national benchmark for 2022 outcomes. This will be applied to Connect in the coming month and will replace the Alps client benchmark currently sitting behind the toggle option.
Using CAT4 as a prior attainment for Key Stage 4
You can use CAT4 Mean SAS outcomes as a baseline for prior attainment at Key Stage 4. We have constructed a conversion table to allow you to generate proxy KS2 scores. This is one of the options you have when considering how to monitor progress made across KS4 for those cohorts affected by the pandemic with no KS2 scores.
For more information read our article https://alpseducation.zohodesk.eu/portal/en/kb/articles/using-connect-with-a-cat4-baseline