KS4 Target Setting for 2024 – cohorts with no KS2 scores
KS4 Target Setting for 2024 – cohorts with no KS2 scores (July 2024)
With no KS2 SATs taking place in 2020 or 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students in KS4 during the academic years 2024/25 and 2025/26 will not have KS2 SAT scores. The Alps value-added progress indicators rely on students having a prior attainment score, as does Progress 8.
There are a range of methods used by colleagues to determine a prior attainment baseline. These include:
- Teacher Assessed KS2 scores – some schools and colleges are used mock SAT papers or similar to determine a KS2 score. KS2 scores can be input directly into Connect.
- CAT4 – mean SAS outcomes have proved a popular baseline determinant. Mean SAS values can be input directly into Connect, or they can be converted to KS2 scores using our conversion table.
- GL Assessment – Indicative KS2 scores
- MiDYiS scores – Scores from these assessments can be used to generate KS2 scaled scores. A MidYis conversion table can be obtained by contacting our Alps Customer Success Team at the following email address [email protected].
- Cohort Distribution Analysis – In the absence of KS2 scores, some providers may choose to allocate students a proxy score and Alps band using cohort distribution analysis. This involves first ranking all the students within a cohort based on the assessment data available. After deciding on the student ranking, an analysis of the distribution of students within bands for previous year groups is carried out. By using this analysis alongside the student ranking, students can be allocated a proxy score and band. For more information see https://support.alps.education/portal/en/kb/articles/using-the-cohort-distribution-spreadsheet.
In Summary there are two import baseline options for Connect:
Target setting – Minimum Expected Grades
Having determined a prior attainment baseline, students will be assigned to an Alps band and Minimum Expected Points/Grades (MEPs and MEGs) to be generated. As a result of this, student progress against these MEPs and MEGs can be subsequently tracked across the Key Stage within Connect.
MEGs are generated irrespective of whether KS2 scores are used as a baseline or mean SAS. Alps value-added scores, grades and thermometers will provide colleagues with subject and whole school/college tracking indicators across the next few years.
In September 2024, the default benchmark in Connect and in Summit will be the 2023 DfE full national dataset.
Using Connect with different baselines: will I get a Progress 8 score?
If colleagues decide to generate an indicative KS2 score and import this directly into Connect, Progress 8 numbers will be generated and shown in Connect.
Should colleagues decide to use mean SAS as a baseline and import directly into Connect, Progress 8 numbers will not be calculated, however all attainment analysis including Attainment 8 tables will still be available.
England Key Stage 4: Target setting and tracking options