Using Alps Connect with CAT4

18th February 2022

Great news! You can now use GL Assessment’s Cognitive Abilities Test scores (GL CAT4) as your Alps KS4 prior attainment score in Alps Connect. 

If you have any gaps in your prior attainment data, you can use your CAT4 scores into Connect as an alternative input score. In addition, you will be able to view your students’ CAT4 batteries (verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, spatial ability) within Connect, simply and easily, giving fantastic additional insight.  

What is CAT4? 

You can find more information about CAT4 from GL on their website.

For more information on how you can use Alps Connect with CAT4, including our handy Alps Video Guides click here. 

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If you would like any further information, please contact one of our expert advisers.

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