Maximising Achievement with Y11 in the final 15 weeks before the 2023 examinations in Cymru / Wales
A companion piece to our Alps webinar.
At Alps we are aware you are facing significant challenges in 2022-23.
- Y11 students’ last undisrupted academic year in education was Y7 in 2018-19.
- They are going to be assessed by examinations in 2023.
- Qualifications Wales have announced ‘the intention is for this year’s results to fall broadly midway between the 2019 and 2022 results.’
- That will require a drop in higher grades nationally, roughly 3% at A*-C & A*-B, A*-A & A*.
- Schools and colleges are teaching the full content of qualifications to students.
- Advanced information will be released for the summer 2023 exam series on the 6th
- Replicating the grades that you achieved in 2022 may still be challenging in 2023.
We are here to support you with our Top Tips and Connect:
- Make sure sustaining / improving performance at A*-C+ is a priority in your school and college.
- Use Connect to ensure you are on top of the subjects, sets, student groups and students who need support to achieve their Post-16 goals.
- Make sure you are supporting students whose engagement and attendance may significantly damage their, and your, results.
- Focus on your largest cohort subjects that will have the biggest impact on this cohort’s outcomes and post-16 destinations, your results and your Alps VA.
- Ask HODs to run department meetings based on:
- Past papers and mark schemes
- Command words
- 2022 Examiner reports – identifying those ‘silver bullets’ that will improve grades
- Share this invaluable information with your students.
- Ensure Mock exams are marked to identify individual and collective learning gaps (skills / knowledge) so that these can be addressed, re-assessed, and closed before the summer.
In Connect:
- Discuss with Heads of Department and teachers which students on their course have the greatest potential to improve their mock / predicted grades. Use the ‘What-if’ tool in Connect to demonstrate the impact on subject VA of those students achieving a higher grade.
- Use our comparison and filter tools to understand how the student groups in each subject or set are predicted to perform in terms of disadvantage, gender, ethnicity, and PA.
- Use our Monitoring Accuracy tools to identify:
- which subjects predicted most accurately in 2022
- which subjects are predicting outcomes most different to previous monitoring grade-point or are predicting much higher outcomes / higher VA than in 2022?
- Identify students who are underachieving in two or more subjects for holistic intervention?
Register for our free webinar on 18th January – BOOK HERE
If you need support from Alps do not hesitate to be in touch at [email protected]
Need more information?
If you would like any further information, please contact one of our expert advisers.