New Release: Subject-Level Attainment Profile Page in Connect

20th March 2024

Our new subject level attainment profile page in Connect can be found in the subject section and compliments the subject level value-added analysis.

Watch our step-by-step video:

What can you see in the new attainment profile page? 

If you are a Subject Leader or a Subject Teacher, you can access the new attainment page from the dropdown menu from inside your subject zone. The table displays the attainment distribution profile for your subject (percentages and student counts), and headline cumulative percentages. It is available across Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. Most qualifications currently available in Connect are covered.

Note: you can view this table for a whole cohort within your subject, or at a teaching set/class level.

In the broader educational context, we are aware from colleague feedback that in the absence of L3VA data and with the lack of KS2 scores to build a Progress 8 picture in the coming years, many of you rely heavily on attainment information. We believe that this exciting addition to your subject analysis will support you in complimenting your subject value-added overview both for tracking in-year and in the breakdown of examination outcomes.

How will I access it? 

The navigation bar shows an attainment link. Click on the link to access the new page.

Need more information?

If you would like any further information, please contact one of our expert advisers.

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