Meet Nic, our amazing HR and Compliance Manager

17th June 2024

For our latest Meet the Team blog, we sat down with our amazing HR and Compliance Manager, Nic, to find out about her career background, her biggest achievements at Alps and what advice she would give to aspiring HR professionals.  


Hi Nic, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your career background? 

I began my Alps adventure in 2012 after working in various Customer Service and Project Management roles in the IT sectorI am now the HR & Compliance Manager, working alongside my colleagues to ensure that we comply with our ISO27001 and legal obligations and recruit and retain amazing team members. Each day at Alps is fast paced and different one minute I can be arranging interviews and inductions, and the next I’m working on an audit for ISO27001! 


So far, what have been your biggest achievements at Alps?

I love making processes better and finding new ways of working that improve team members’ employment experience. Over my time at Alps, I have had many achievements in doing this. From delivering conferences, report processing, delivery of projects and managing meetings, I thrive on change and advancing how we do things to make tasks easier or more efficient. Alps is a company that embraces new ideas and is always looking to improve how we deliver our services to customers. This has given me the opportunity to make a difference in the areas in which I’ve worked. 


What have you learned, or how have you grown in your role since working for Alps?

My time at Alps has been so varied and I have been privileged to work with a number of teams across the business. Over the years, my skillset and knowledge has grown, whether it be website maintenance or finance and compliance, I have embraced all the new opportunities I have been given. My biggest challenge recently was in 2022 when I implemented a new internal HR system, developing the system from the ground up and launching it to the team. Many years ago, I would not have believed that I could have done this, but I am proud that in 2022, I successfully achieved it. 


What is your favourite thing about working at Alps?

My favourite thing about Alps are the people. Everybody is so friendly, knowledgeable and approachable. Working in Compliance, a lot of information I share is specialised, but the team are keen to listen, gain knowledge and support each other to reach our end goals. People are happy to help across teams, whether it’s speaking to customers on the phone or helping at an event.


What advice would you give aspiring HR Professionals?   

The world of work is constantly changing, especially since covid, and it’s essential that HR professionals are aware of changes in the employment landscape. At an individual level, everybody is unique and everybody has the ability to succeed. Understanding how different we all are and being able to bring out the best in people are skills all HR professionals should have. 


Can you tell us a fun fact about yourself?   

Any free time I have (which is not much with a 1 year old and a 7 year old) is spent researching holidays or booking trips, I always have a holiday booked! Currently, I have 6 breaks organised, and I am about to book my first 2026 holiday, once they are released.


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